Commercial, Residential, Non-Profit,
and Institutional Tree Services
We are your New Hampshire source for expert tree trimming, tree removal, stump grinding, lot clearing, and land reclamation. We have the equipment to provide you with the safest, most efficient, and highest quality tree service possible.
We will survey your property and discuss with you which dead or dying trees should be removed for health, safety or aesthetics. We will also help you decide what to do with trees that interfere with other trees, buildings, driveways, or utility wires.
Robblee Tree Service LLC
P.O. Box 214
Antrim, New Hampshire 03440
New Hampshire Tree Service Experts
- We're fully licensed and insured.
- We've been in business for 30 years.
- We provide courteous service and reasonable rates.
- We specialize in large and hazardous tree removal.
- Our Grove Crane will safely remove large trees and is available for other Crane Services.
Whether we prune one tree ...
or enhance a view on many acres,
our clients are always our first priority.
Tree Preservation
Tree Pruning
Hazard Assessment
Stump Grinding
Storm Damage
Tree Removals
By Hand (climbing)
Bucket Truck
Crane Tree Removals
Land Enhancement
Forest Stand Enhancement
Vista/View Improvements
Vegetation Control
Land Reclamation
Lot Clearing
Brush Chipping
Field Mowing
Crane Service
Grove TMS 540 with heavy counterweight package including a 2 piece 50 ft off settable jib for a total of 150 tip height.